

What you should learn from a poker champion woman: Liv Boeree

7 Nov 2022Casino
What you should learn from a poker champion woman: Liv Boeree

Who is Liv Boeree?

Liv Boeree
Liv Boeree


Liv Boeree is a British professional Poker player who has won the European Poker Tour champion name. That is not all! she is at the same time a broadcaster, a speaker, a science communicator, a guitar player and a television presenter.

Liv represents the only female gambler in history to win a WSOP bracelet and an EPT event. Although she retired in 2019, she is still among the top ten women in gambling history today. Thanks to her scientific strategies, this woman could make her mark in history. 

Although men are known to have a higher score when it comes to risk-taking and winning in general, Liv is showing why females are not that different than men in gambling. She is a trendsetter in her own rights.

Liv Boeree was born on 18 July 1984 in Kent-England. She studied physics and astrophysics at the University of Manchester. After graduating, she didn’t prefer to find a job directly. During that break, she discovered the world of Poker, which she loved and succeeded in a lot. 

Boeree was selected as one of five contestants for the reality TV show Showdown in 2005. An event that introduced her to the game.

The titles and prizes that Boeree has won are numerous. For example, she won the Ladbrokes European Ladies Championships in 2008 and the European Poker Tour in 2010. She won €1,250,000 and became the third woman to win an EPT title.

Today Liv is active on her youtube channel producing different videos about science, poker methods and music. 

Here we have chosen to offer you all the poker champions’ tips and attitudes toward the game. İf you are too fond of poker, here we provide you with the best strategies and tactics that Liv has always used and believed in throughout her professional career.


Poker Champion
Poker Champion



The scientific mind behind Poker 

scientific mind in poker
scientific mind in poker

Liv is a professional poker player who is well known for her scientific strategies in gaming. The champion took advantage of her academic career at university and adopted science in her poker conception. She believes that succeeding in this game requires a scientific mind. She reported that initiating a life like this requires getting experience to achieve goals. And when we talk about the experience it is about post-gaming results. Poker players are supposed to look at results, strategies and tactics to figure out which ones are working better and why they are so, which is the same in science. 

To paraphrase her: ‘’When a  player is noticing something is happening he/she automatically thinks of why it is happening. Whether the results are because of a strong hand or a weak hand. Players are continuously figuring out different variables that can explain their results just like a scientific person’’.

She reported that observation at a table is exactly similar to the observation of scientific researchers. When players are observing everything they wonder about how much they are confident and how their opponents are doing well or they are bluffing, which is similar to scientific works in labs. She adds that how poker players assess their confidence levels is very close to what scientific researchers do. 


Lessons on decision-making in poker and daily life 


Liv has reported that poker games have taught her three lessons about decision-making that she finds around everyday life practices.


  1. First, she believes that both poker and daily life share the same requirements of luck and skill. She explains that health, wealth and relationships are the bases of daily life and that all of them require skill and luck at the same time. The outcomes do not only depend on our skills and luck but also our decision-making quality.
  2. The second thing the champion has learnt from games is the art of quantifying the thinking in every practice we go through in day-to-day life. She highlights that Poker is a game of probabilities and precision which is why a successful player needs to train himself to always think in numbers. Now before she makes any decision related to all the life areas she tries to estimate it numerically. For instance, she has reported that almost everything that might happen she expresses it as a probability. Let’s consider you are going to a job interview you can calculate every factor into probabilities like the followingly: you have a 70% of probability that you will be accepted because you have experience in the area, you live close to the workplace and you know the owner. However, you have a 30% of probability that you will be rejected because the workplace prefers a female employee at this post and you require a more or less high wage.  She reported that the game has taught her how to speak in numbers in her daily life. For instance, when she is asked whether she would join her friends to dinner on a certain day she answers in numbers by saying ‘‘70% I will come’’ instead of saying ‘‘probably I would’’.   To paraphrase Liv : ‘‘ İt is by speaking in numbers that people must understand the word of probabilities. Conveying any real information requires precise probabilities for better decision-making quality. We need to avoid the use of vague words like ‘sometimes’ and ‘probably’ and replace them with real numbers because in this way we know what lands in the other person’s brain ’’
  3. The third thing that it taught her is useless intuitions in life. She believes that intuitions should not be over-trusted or over-referred because in big decisions of life intuitions are entirely misleading as they don’t have any logical data to be based on. She concludes with the idea that we should not ignore our intuitions but when it comes to big decisions we should not lean on them either. 

Top 5 tips to beat anyone at poker by Liv Boeree


The Poker champion woman has come to provide fans with some valuable strategies to become professional. Here we provide you with the top 5 best tips. 



  1. Don’t play too many hands
  2. Consider your position and your opponents
  3. Be aggressive
  4. Know your opponents
  5. Play with your limits



İf you too are a Poker fan, get the advantage of the champion’s tips and enjoy your favourite game at Betfinal.  İf you are a beginner and you need more tips to start your casino adventure please read more about tips to play safe and succeed.

Published: November 2022

By: Sarah

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